Voyage, voyage
The puppet freed itself, its meandering threads transforming into a butterfly.
Who are you butterfly?
Why are you haunting me? Are you my yearning for soaring?
Free, fragile, light, determined, solitary, resilient, beautiful and scared, I have followed your sounds.
Layer upon layer of tulle I revealed the transparency of my emotions.
Rejuvenated and enthralled, you have awakened love and desire to the brink of child bearing.
I never wanted to startle you, just be with you. You have rattled my existence. I have lived through you, and without you.
I have held you high, transforming myself into a hundred beings.
The journey was harsh, exhilarating and desired.
Such is my destiny, death a certainty.
Nelsy Massoud

? Does liberty have a statue
Tulle layering and Thread drawing
170 x 110 cm
Drypoint /Mezzotint and Burin on two plates printed on Hanemuhleh paper 2022
I am not a number anymore
Thread drawing and Tulle layering on canvas
The Kiss as a butterfly etching on two plates printed on Hahnemuhleh
Tulle layering and Thread drawing on canvas

The thieves
Inks and watercolor on Washi paper
Etching and Aquatint printed on Hahnemuhleh
Etching and Aquatint
Inks and watercolor on Washi paper 80 cm x 80 each.
Tulle and thread on canvas
Tulle and thread on canvas